Waste Not, Want Not! MENTARI Supports the 1 MW Biomass Power Plant Project in West Halmahera

The North Maluku region – and West Halmahera in particular – is famous for its abundant supplies of coconuts but few know that coconut waste – in the form of fibre and shells – can help address the lack of electricity in the region. “Based on preliminary analyses, MENTARI calculates that coconut production in West […]
GALS Catalyst Training – Opening Minds and Communication Lines on Gender in Mata Redi Village

It was not easy for the Gender Action Learning for Sustainability (GALS) catalyst training facilitator, Trouce Landukara, known as Mama Oce, to start a discussion on a sensitive topic with ten married couples from a sub-village in Mata Redi, East Nusa Tenggara province: “To ensure that no one was offended and that the discussions were […]