Last Mile Electrification Programme: A light at the end of the tunnel
Background Last mile electrification is a difficult undertaking irrespective of its geographical context. Nevertheless, it faces additional challenges when executed in an archipelago such as Indonesia, where a limited supply

Mainstreaming gender and inclusion in renewable energy projects in Indonesia
Integrating the principles of gender equality and social inclusion in various development sectors is mandated in the Sustainable Development Goals. Indonesia provides similar legal protection through its Presidential Instruction No

How to monetise mini-grids in Indonesia and promote inclusive economic growth?
The 10th Indonesia EBTKE ConEx 2021, a forum on new renewable energy and energy conservation for an energy transition towards zero-emission, took place from 22 to 27 November 2021 virtually.

High expectations for young people in Mata Redi and Mata Woga
Ten young people from Mata Redi and Mata Woga villages in Katiku Tana district, Central Sumba, have high expectations for their future independent working lives. These seven young men and

Waste Not, Want Not! MENTARI Supports the 1 MW Biomass Power Plant Project in West Halmahera
The North Maluku region – and West Halmahera in particular – is famous for its abundant supplies of coconuts but few know that coconut waste – in the form of

GALS Catalyst Training – Opening Minds and Communication Lines on Gender in Mata Redi Village
It was not easy for the Gender Action Learning for Sustainability (GALS) catalyst training facilitator, Trouce Landukara, known as Mama Oce, to start a discussion on a sensitive topic with