MENTARI Newsletter Special Edition: Sumba

Accelerating off-grid projects using renewable energy will increase access to electricity and boost economic growth at a local level, alleviating poverty and benefitting Indonesians across the archipelago. With help from our international and local partners, we can achieve this goal by building local capacities and developing a favourable regulatory environment. This newsletter explores some of […]
Pedoman Perhitungan Biaya Teknologi Hibrida: Pembangkit Energi Terbarukan dan Diesel
(Guidelines for Calculation of Hybrid Technology Costs: Renewable Energy and Diesel Generators)

This guideline for a Hybrid Technology Cost Calculation conveys four basic reasons why every government agencies (including State Owned Enterprises) need to prepare a Hybrid Technology Cost Calculation – Renewable Energy and Diesel Generation to procure goods and services. Pedoman Perhitungan Biaya Teknologi Hibrida: Pembangkit Energi Terbarukan dan Diesel Download 0 downloads5.15 MB