Ringkasan Kebijakan – Percepatan Pelaksanaan Komersial Off-Grid Energi Terbarukan di Indonesia

This policy brief describes the challenges of the electrification program in the remote area, such as long distances between houses and unequal distribution, low demand, uncertain growth, and difficulty accessing the supply chain. Another challenge is the gap in legal and regulatory frameworks in supporting commercial off-grid electrification programs. This summary proposes a new off-grid […]
Kajian Kebijakan – Penguatan Kapasitas Rantai Pasok Domestik Energi Terbarukan

Renewable energy implementation is expected to meet high demand and production capacity. This implementation is supported by one of the main supporting policies, which is the implementation of the local content requirement to strengthen the domestic supply chain of renewable energy. This study explains the importance of the local content requirement; the implications and challenges […]
In-depth Assessment of Commercial Off-grid Renewable Energy Business Models

This study assesses three renewable energy business models that are selected as potential enablers for off-grid commercial development: the micro independent power producer (micro-IPP) model, the joint operation cooperation contract (KSO) model, and the local government-owned-private enterprise partnership (BUMD-partnership) model. We assess the three models from different perspectives: legal, regulatory and institutional gaps, economic and […]