Panduan Praktik Integrasi Kesetaraan Gender dan Inklusi Sosial pada Kajian Kelayakan Proyek Pengembangan Proyek PLTS Off-grid Terpadu (Practice Guide for Integrating Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Feasibility Studies for Development of Integrated Off-Grid Solar Power Projects)

This guide documents four years of learning from the construction and implementation of a small-scale off-grid centralized photovoltaic power plant project in Mata Redi village, Central Sumba. This document establishes a matrix to evaluate the quality of project feasibility studies regarding aspects of gender integration and inclusion, and provides guidance and data collection tools to […]
Kasus Bisnis Kesetaraan Gender dan Inklusi Sosial – Pengarusutamaan Gender dan Inklusi Sosial (GESI) dalam Proses Transisi Energi Berkeadilan adalah Sebuah Keharusan (The Business Case for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion – Mainstreaming Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) in the Just Energy Transition Process is a Must)

This GESI business case study discusses lessons learned from the construction and implementation of a small-scale off-grid centralized photovoltaic power plant project in Mata Redi village, Central Sumba, which was carried out over four years. This business case aims to develop an example of a local renewable energy transition process that is more inclusive and […]