Partnership between

Towards Indonesia's
Low Carbon Energy Transition

Pedoman Pendirian dan Pengoperasian BUM Desa Berbasis Energi Terbarukan yang Berkelanjutan, Tanggap Gender dan Inklusif. Studi Kasus Desa Mata Redi, Kecamatan Katikutana, Kabupaten Sumba Tengah
(Guidelines for the Establishment and Operation of Renewable Energy-Based Village-Owned Enterprise that is Sustainable, and Gender Responsive and Inclusive. A Case Study of Mata Redi Village, Katikutana Sub-district, Central Sumba District)

This guideline explains the establishment and management of village-owned enterprises that are renewable energy-based and gender responsive and inclusive which involves all elements of the community, including women and vulnerable groups. This book consists of two parts, namely an introduction to village-owned enterprises and nine stages in establishing and managing village-owned enterprises with a case […]

Panduan Tata Kelola PLTS Terpadu Offgrid yang Berkelanjutan, Tanggap Gender dan Inklusif. Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) untuk BUM Desa dan Pemerintah Daerah
(Guidelines for the Governance of Integrated Offgrid Solar Photovoltaic that is Sustainable, and Gender Responsive and Inclusive. Standard Operating Procedure for Village-Owned Enterprise and Regional Government)

This guideline provides an understanding and direction of the importance of integrated offgrid solar photovoltaic governance managed by village-owned enterprises. Not only village-owned enterprises, but the village government and regional government can also use this guideline to support the sustainability of electricity services to the community continuously. This guide supports the acceleration of energy transitions in […]

Feasibility Study: Incentivising Demand Load through Productive Use of Energy for Rural Electrification in Mata Redi, Central Sumba District, East Nusa Tenggara Province

This feasibility study on the productive use of energy was conducted based on an off-grid solar PV system of 95 kWp in Mata Redi and Mata Woga villages, Central Sumba. The study calculated the excess power through further simulation. It also explores the technology options and prioritises technologies with the most potential by improving the […]