Partnership between

Towards Indonesia's
Low Carbon Energy Transition

Panduan Tata Kelola PLTS Terpadu Offgrid yang Berkelanjutan, Tanggap Gender dan Inklusif. Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) untuk BUM Desa dan Pemerintah Daerah
(Guidelines for the Governance of Integrated Offgrid Solar Photovoltaic that is Sustainable, and Gender Responsive and Inclusive. Standard Operating Procedure for Village-Owned Enterprise and Regional Government)

This guideline provides an understanding and direction of the importance of integrated offgrid solar photovoltaic governance managed by village-owned enterprises. Not only village-owned enterprises, but the village government and regional government can also use this guideline to support the sustainability of electricity services to the community continuously. This guide supports the acceleration of energy transitions in Indonesia; the guide is complementary and guiding so that it can be modified according to the needs of each village-owned enterprises. The nominal and numerical information in this guide is an example.