Synthesis Report: On Integrated 60 KWP and 35 KWP PLTS with BESS at Mata Redi and Mata Woga Project Planning and Implementation

This study outlines the various stages involved in the MENTARI Project’s implementation of the 60 kWp and 35 kWp Solar Power Plants (PLTS), which are integrated with a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in the villages of Mata Redi and Mata Woga. Synthesis Report: On Integrated 60 KWP and 35 KWP PLTS with BESS at […]
Panduan Praktik Integrasi Kesetaraan Gender dan Inklusi Sosial pada Kajian Kelayakan Proyek Pengembangan Proyek PLTS Off-grid Terpadu (Practice Guide for Integrating Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Feasibility Studies for Development of Integrated Off-Grid Solar Power Projects)

This guide documents four years of learning from the construction and implementation of a small-scale off-grid centralized photovoltaic power plant project in Mata Redi village, Central Sumba. This document establishes a matrix to evaluate the quality of project feasibility studies regarding aspects of gender integration and inclusion, and provides guidance and data collection tools to […]
Kasus Bisnis Kesetaraan Gender dan Inklusi Sosial – Pengarusutamaan Gender dan Inklusi Sosial (GESI) dalam Proses Transisi Energi Berkeadilan adalah Sebuah Keharusan (The Business Case for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion – Mainstreaming Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) in the Just Energy Transition Process is a Must)

This GESI business case study discusses lessons learned from the construction and implementation of a small-scale off-grid centralized photovoltaic power plant project in Mata Redi village, Central Sumba, which was carried out over four years. This business case aims to develop an example of a local renewable energy transition process that is more inclusive and […]
Flexible Operation of Coal Generation – International experience and its application to Indonesia

This report reviews international experiences and mechanisms from Germany, Australia and UK, to incentivise owners of fossil fuel assets at risk of stranding to pivot to support security of supply. This document also discusses the planning for an orderly transition from coal to renewable energy that ensures timely solutions and efficient management. This is essential […]
Early Retirement of Coal Power Generation – International experience and its application to Indonesia

This paper discusses lessons learned in accelerating the phase out of coal which is a global challenge. The key lessons learned cover the aspects of auctions for payments, priority shift, and cost of renewable energy, and access to low-cost finance. These lessons are aimed to help Indonesia learn from other countries’ experiences and shape the […]
Local Content Requirement Study – Market analysis and supply chain assessment for domestic manufacturers of solar photovoltaic modules and batteries

This LCR study, first, explores the solar photovoltaic modules and batteries options for greening options. There are challenges in terms of the practice, regulation, and cost, while the use of solar modules and batteries that is increased significantly. This study focuses on the perspectives of local manufacturers on the level of local content requirement and […]
Study: Pricing Model for Renewable Energy Hybrid Plants – Renewable Energy Hybrids

This pricing model study examines the levelised cost of energy (LCOE) for various hybrid systems to understand the potential impacts on tariffs. It becomes a reference for the ministry in calculating the tariffs from various types of renewable hybrid plants. The LCOE represents how much it costs to generate one kWh of electricity and the […]
Technical Configurations for Various Topology on Commercial Hybrids in Indonesia – Renewable Energy Hybrids

This report explores four fundamental requirements for hybrid technical configurations operating in the most reliable and cleanest way using renewable energy, those are: flexibility, frequency control, voltage control, and energy management system. It also discusses the software MENTARI uses, which is HOMER Pro, to design and optimise the configurations of hybrid system from six technologies. […]
New Paradigm Paper: Electricity Planning in Indonesia

This is a continuation of MENTARI’s previous paper on a new paradigm for power sector policies in Indonesia. This new paradigm paper cover one of the three thematic papers that MENTARI contributes, which is improving the electricity system planning process in Indonesia. It starts with a stocktake of the current national electricity planning process, then […]
Kajian Biaya Pengelolaan Limbah PLTS dan Baterai (Study of the Cost Management of PLTS and Battery Waste)

This document examines the waste management costs of PLTS and battery waste, specifically conducting case studies on three islands in East Nusa Tenggara, namely Flores Island, Sumba Island and Timor Island. Furthermore, this document summarizes regulations related to PLTS waste management, identifies PLTS waste management solutions, provides recommendations for waste management plans and policy improvements, […]