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Towards Indonesia's
Low Carbon Energy Transition

Pedoman Pendirian dan Pengoperasian BUM Desa Berbasis Energi Terbarukan yang Berkelanjutan, Tanggap Gender dan Inklusif. Studi Kasus Desa Mata Redi, Kecamatan Katikutana, Kabupaten Sumba Tengah
(Guidelines for the Establishment and Operation of Renewable Energy-Based Village-Owned Enterprise that is Sustainable, and Gender Responsive and Inclusive. A Case Study of Mata Redi Village, Katikutana Sub-district, Central Sumba District)


This guideline explains the establishment and management of village-owned enterprises that are renewable energy-based and gender responsive and inclusive which involves all elements of the community, including women and vulnerable groups. This book consists of two parts, namely an introduction to village-owned enterprises and nine stages in establishing and managing village-owned enterprises with a case study of Mata Redi village. This guideline can be used by village communities, village governments, managers of village-owned enterprises, facilitators, gender focal points, non-governmental organizations, and government organizational bodies.